Quack’s 43rd Street Bakery

Captain Quack's Coffeehouse
Captain Quack's Coffeehouse
The love is not over! Come try a February inspired drink. ❤️🎯
Out with the old in with the NEW! Today we are putting out our house made chocolate fudge pop tarts!#scratchbakery #atxeats #atxfoodie #atxlocal #austinfoodie #austilocal #atxbusiness #atxcookies #atxcoffeeshop
Our lemonade Yerba-maté made from scratch will get anyone up and moving!#meetmeatquacks #atxbakery #austinbakery #austincoffee  #atxcoffee #atxlocal
A Chocolate iced mocha to perk up anyone’s Sunday morning!#atxlocalbusiness #austinlocalbusiness #atxlocal #atxcoffee #austincoffee #austincommunity #atxeats #atxbakery #austinbakery #atxlocalcoffee #atxfoodie #atx #austintexas
ALL THINGS PUMPKIN PLEASE! Pumpkin is just a flavor we can’t resist this fall! 🍂☕️#fallflavors #pumpkinspice #pumpkin #atxfoodie #atxeats #atxcoffee #atxbakery #atxlocal #austinlocalbusiness #austinfoodguide #austineats #pumpkinpie
Just a “dash” of powdered sugar on our almond croissants🥐😉#atxbakery #atxlocalbusiness #atxcoffee #atxeatsandtreats #austinfoodguide #austinfoodie #austinbakery #austincoffee
NOVEMBER IS HERE, as well as our new monthly specials! Stop by to try out what November brings🍂🥧☕️#atxbakery #atxeatsandtreats #atxlocal #atxcoffee #austinlocalbusiness #austinlocal #austinbakery #atxlife

Address: 411 E 43rd Street, Austin, Texas 78751

Phone: 512-453-3399

Email: Bakery@QuacksBakery.com

Open Daily: 7am – 9pm